Ah, Scotland! My real homeland. I really miss Edinburgh and Highlands and it's so amazing that I am going back there again in May. And I haven't even written about my last trip there! Oh well. Better now than never.
Day one
Our arrival to Edinburgh went almost too well until we came to our hostel, Balmore Guest House. We had problem to pay it because my card didn't work and eventually we payed it by cash. The owner of the hostel was very mad to us which I think was very rude. So I don't recommend this hostel.
The first day we just explored our neighborhood and then we just went to bed early. I hadn't slept last night or during the flights so me and also my friend were both very tired.
Day two
The next day we walked to Edinburg Castle which is the most famous sightseeing of the city. It was amazing! Oldest parts of the castle were built in 12th century and the hill has been occupied since the late Bronze Age. It is like the Tower of London of Scotland and Scottish Crown Jewels are kept there. The Castle shows very interesting overlook to History of Scotland from Bronze Age to World Wars. The ticket to the castle cost £16.50 so it was like 23 euros.
After the castle we visited the Edinburgh Dungeons. It's hard to explain it but it's like a theater but the audience is part of the show. And it's horror show. I recommend it for us who love horror movies and good old jumpscares. Me and my friend really enjoyed it. Edinburgh Dungeons cost £15.95 (something like 20 euros) but we had find a coupon from one of our city maps which why we had to pay only in one ticket. So collect free maps as much as you can!
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I think I was executioner in my past life |
Day Three
Highland day! Is there anything as beautiful as Scottish Highlands? Immediately when I saw them I was in love. And my friend too. It was like I was in some kind of fantasy land. We were booked a bus tour from Heart of Scotland Tours. The tour was called the Best of Scotland and we visited a little village called Dunkeld and then in Blaire Castle. After several quick stops there and there we stopped in Queen's view which is a beautiful landscape from high hill. Then we visited in the Hermitage woodland and walked to see this gorgeous waterfall! The day was a little bit chilly and rainy but I think it was perfect for the day in Highlands of Scotland. Our guide was really amazing and I really recommend Heart of Scotland Tours! The tour cost something like 60-70 euros and we got some student discount.
Only thing why we were a little bit disappointed was that we didn't see Jamie Fraser riding in a sunset. Wearing a kilt...On a horse...Without a shirt...
Day Five
Last day we spend almost entire day in airport. Our flight was a little bit late and we had to run to our next flight. But we made it! AND OUR BAGGAGE CAME TOO! It was like a miracle.
Our trip was amazing and I completely fell in love with Scotland. I have travelled quite a lot and I think Edinburgh is the best city I have ever been. I really would love to live there. It's not too big like New York or Los Angeles, its weather is just perfect for me (I hate too warm weather and I love rainy days) and there is so much history to explore. And it's also a city of horror stories so what could be better. I am really happy to go back there soon.
Only thing why we were a little bit disappointed was that we didn't see Jamie Fraser riding in a sunset. Wearing a kilt...On a horse...Without a shirt...
Day Four
Day four we walked to the Hollyrood Palace which is Edinburgh's royal palace. Like if the Queen is visiting in Edinburgh she will be staying in Hollyrood palace, not in Edinburgh's castle. The current palace was built between 1671-1678 but the original royal palace was built in 12th century as Augustinian Holyrood Abbey. Some parts of the ruined abbey are still standing. During the 15th century, the abbey guesthouse was changed into a royal palace. The most famous and interesting parts of Hollyrood palace history happened during 16th century when Mary Stuart was queen of Scotland. I have read a lot about her mostly because I am really interested in Tudor history. Mary was very complicated character like almost every single famous monarch of history. She was devoted catholic and very unpopular in Scotland because of that. In the end Mary was beheaded as a traitor for plotting against her father's cousin Elizabeth I. Mary lived in Hollyrood palace and her apartments were really interesting. There were portraits of her and other famous monarchs and royals of her time. The Hollyrood Palace tickets cost £11.00 (for students).
After the Hollyrood palace we walked to Prince Street to do some shopping. I bought so much stuff but I think my friend went even further. We spent almost three hours just in Primark and I think my friend hadn't ever been in Primark so it was insane! After that we went to wonderful bookstore and her Primark paperbag broke there. The bookstore's seller laughed us but was very nice and gave us a new bag. In the end of the day we stop in the local Starbucks to have some tea and coffee. I don't really like that much Starbucks (it's quite expensive and I don't like coffee) but this was really nice! I don't know how to describe it but it was very big and had a beautiful view to the Castle.
Day Five
Last day we spend almost entire day in airport. Our flight was a little bit late and we had to run to our next flight. But we made it! AND OUR BAGGAGE CAME TOO! It was like a miracle.
Our trip was amazing and I completely fell in love with Scotland. I have travelled quite a lot and I think Edinburgh is the best city I have ever been. I really would love to live there. It's not too big like New York or Los Angeles, its weather is just perfect for me (I hate too warm weather and I love rainy days) and there is so much history to explore. And it's also a city of horror stories so what could be better. I am really happy to go back there soon.
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